Friday, September 19, 2008

Vary your Toll Free Numbers to Track Ad Results?

This is just a quick post to point out a strategy that I've seen recently used by Nutrisystem.

Have you seen the Nutrisystem TV advertisements that feature former NFL players like Dan Marino and Mike Golic? They have been running them during football games and I saw one again on CNBC this morning. The one I posted recently had the toll free number 1-888-802-DIET.

I've seen the same advertisement run many times, but they have been varying the numbers. (I've been too slow to catch the new ones on my iPhone, I'll promise to share more here shortly). They have varied with numbers that contain LOSE, SAVE, etc.

One strategy is to have multiple toll free numbers in order to track the effectiveness of your advertising. If people call the DIET number, you know that your advertising dollars are better spent during NFL games than during CNBC broadcasts.

Companies like are experts in this technology and strategy. Check them out.

I'll elaborate more on this strategy in an upcoming post.

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