Monday, September 15, 2008

Video Professor's Non-Memorable Toll Free Number

Another quick snapshot from my iPhone.

Another in my "pet peeve" series - Here is the an advertisement from Video Professor, the company that helps people learn how to use their computer better. In my opinion they appeal to an older audience who likes the idea of learning Windows, eBay, Online Investing, Photoshop®, Excel, etc. at their own pace.

Its funny, they don't even list their website on the advertisement (maybe they assume you can't use a web browser?) so they splash their toll free number on the screen - in this case 800-529-5402.

If I was marketing for them, I would probably pick an available toll free number like 877-91-VIDEO or maybe 888-VIDEO-30. Both are available now at

The combination of your website and an easy to remember toll free number will bring you more business!

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